A fictional case of a manager caught between a rock and hard place.

1.) Do you think this conflict that Nick Cunningham a fictional case of a manager caught between a rock and hard place. faces is functional or dysfunctional? Explain your reasoning, and cite Bauer and Erdogan (2011) or Luthans et al. (2015) in your answer.

2.) What is the source of this conflict? Use the terminology from Bauer and Erdogan (2011), or Luthans et al. (2015) in your answer. For example, is this conflict a result of relationship/interpersonal issues? Or from tasks/roles? Other?

3.)Of the five styles of conflict management discussed in Shearhouse (2011) or Bauer and Erdogan (2011) which one do you think would be the best approach for Nick Cunningham to take?

4.)What other advice would you give Nick Cunningham based on the concepts discussed in any of the background readings?