Analyze an image and discuss the context, significance, and the message it conveys to the audience.

• Topic:
o An iconic image or photograph with a global implication, significance, and meaning
 Suggestions:
• An image or picture in U.S. with social, cultural, political, historical impact on another country/ region in the world
• A significant image or picture in another country/ region in the world and its social, cultural, political, historical impact on U.S., other countries, or the rest of the world
• Two images or pictures of one issue/ event but in two different countries, regions in the world
• A significant global issue
• An issue with political, cultural, or social significant in another country other than U.S.
• UN, UNESCO, WHO website
• Major media and publications such as National Geography, Times, Vouge, …
 (Submit a copy/ picture of image with Rough draft and final draft)
• Format and length
o MLA format, in-text citation, works cited page
o 3 full pages
• Sources
o At least two credible sources (NO Wikipedia!) preferably from the library databases:
 > Topic overviews >
• “Opposing Viewpoints,”
• “Issues and Controversies,”
• CQ Researcher
• Credible, unbiased, objective media sources (found in library databases)
o New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, BBC, New Yorker, Economist, Associated Press, Foreign Affairs, Atlantic, Politico.
 United Nations, UNESCO, World Health Organization
 .gov and .edu sources
o NOTE: provides a brief explanation of the image; therefore, it should NOT be considered as one of the two required sources; you need more in-depth and complete sources.
Sample outline
• Paragraph # 1: Introduction:
o Introducing the issue and providing in-depth background information relevant to the topic.
 Origin (if possible, research and find out the location and circumstances of the picture and photographer/ publisher)
 Brief description, Audience, Context (social, historical, political, …)
o Developed, analytical Thesis: introduce the image and issue + meaning of the image (global implication/ significance/ purpose of the image)

• Body paragraphs
o Paragraph # 2:
 In-depth Description and Brief Analysis of the emotions the image evoks:
 Colors and shades, Objects and shapes, People and places
 Arrangement of elements on page, Foreground and background
 Words/ phrase
 Feelings that the image evokes in the audience
 Reason behind these choices/ arrangements/ ….
 In-depth descriptive details
 Analyze and discuss the emotional effects on the audience and the reason behind these choices
 Create a visual for the audience through description
o Paragraph # 3, 4, 5:
 Analysis of context, global implication & significance, major causes and consequences
 Social, historical, political context
 Major causes and consequences
 Global causes, effects, consequences, purpose, significance
o Reminder:
 While analyzing the elements and global significance/ purpose, relate the supporting details to the image
• Conclusion:
o The global significance of the issue
o So what:
 Why should the audience care?
 What action do you expect the audience to take?
 Any proposed solutions

• Apply Academic tone, word choices, and conventions
• Revise for grammatical and mechanical errors
• Apply MLA format, in-text citation, and works cited page