Child Abuse Case

Preliminary Investigation advising your initial strategy. This must include the specifics for each type of offense and an offender(s) profile.
What agencies have you enlisted for help in your case. Explain your reasoning as to why they are important to your case.
Interview all the people of interest in proving your cases. This must include the alleged victims and suspects, not to forget any witnesses that can support your case. The interviews should consist of a minimum of 3-5 questions and answers for the people on the above list.
What type of evidence was discovered? Be sure to describe how the evidence supports the offense.
Present your cases to the DA or prosecuting attorney for prosecution. Make sure to present the suspect(s) and their subsequent offenses you want them charged with in a criminal court.
Advise your thoughts on the application of these cases to a Civil Court of Law.
Your final paper should be 6-8 pages (of content) in length in APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, and references. You should have a minimum of three credible sources to support your writing