Literary Criticism Theory Application

For our discussion this week, let’s see how well you understand literary criticism approaches by examining an image. Take a look at the image below from the cover of a book based on Perrault’s Cinderella or The Little Glass Slipper. Decide upon one or more of the lenses/approaches (Links to an external site.) from which to view this image. (ex.- How might a feminist view this image? What does this image say about the economic values of a particular culture? Is there a religious influence in this image?How about viewing it through an ecocriticism lens?) I would like to see as many approaches as possible discussed throughout this discussion from our large class so refer to the previous slides within this week’s module.

DO NOT SUMMARIZE the plot of the tale. There is no text here, so only interpret based on what you see through that lens.

Begin by identifying the lens/approach you are using, see the Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.).
Briefly define it and then discuss your criticism of the image through that lens.
Simply restating what someone else has said in a different way will not earn you any points. Sure, you may use the same approach as another classmate, but your stance and analysis must differ.
Also, responding to others’ posts by simply telling them what a great job they did in their initial post will also earn no points.
Respond to others’ posts by challenging or furthering their critical approach, not just that it’s interesting or done well. Continue to extend their lens further or question their interpretation and then offer an alternative:)