Exegetical commetary

I basically need this 1. Historical Background: – In which book is the text set? – What is that book about? (brief summary, just a few lines) – What is the historical setting of the text? What is the immediate foreground? (i.e. what happens afterwards that may be related to the text?) – Are there geographical details in the text? If so, which ones? Explain their meaning in the text – What is the social context of the text? Explain any words that may need explanation 2. Literary Context: – Who is (or is believed to be) the author? And (if applicable) the editor? – What is the date of composition believed to be? Is the date of composition the same as the time the text refers to? – How does this text relate to other parts of the chapter in which it is set? And to other parts of the book in which it is set? (check Peterson) – How does the book in which the text is included relate to other parts of the Bible? (i.e. in which group of books is it included?) – How does this particular text refer to other parts of the Bible? (if applicable) 3. Form: – Is this text prose or poetry? – What is its genre? Why do you think so? – What are the most important stylistic devices used? i.e. metaphors, similes, euphemisms, etc.) 4. Characters: – Who are the characters in the text? (Notice verbs and pronouns in particular: who is speaking? about whom?) 5. Words and Images: – Have a look at the nouns, adjectives, and verbs and their meaning in the text. How could you group those words? Explain any peculiarities 6. Structure: – In your view, how is the text structured? i.e. what are the parts and subparts (if applicable) in the text? Justify your view. 7. Literal meaning – Based on your analysis, what do you think the author meant at the time when he wrote the text in the book of Amos? (explain all the verses) 8. Analysis of secondary literature: