Freedman book

What did the Freedman book teach you about writing?
What impressed you and why?
What lessons or examples were new and prompted you to think how you could use those tactics in your own writing?
What are the three specific and most important takeaways for you and why?
Make this essay thoughtful; be analytical of your own work.
Cite specific pages in your essay.
What do you most want to remember and apply in your own writing?
Remember: Freedman is particularly good at writing about the use of people, keeping things simple, the suitcase theory, and the rule of threes. Those can be prompts for your essay, but be sure to add others of your own selection.

Do not simply praise or criticize the book—this is not a book report.
Do not waste a single word writing the title or Freedman’s name.
Be thoughtful and insightful about your own writing, and tell us what you think you learned.