
Research Paper Instructions.

The Research Paper is due at the end of Week 7. APA writing style is required for this paper.

The research paper should be constructed and then saved in MS Word, PDF, or as a Web page. The paper should be 5-7 (double-spaced) pages long, excluding pages associated with title pages, appendices, or bibliography. In other words the body of the paper should be 5-7 pages (1 inch margins – 12 pt. font – (Times New Roman or Arial).

The paper should be documented and include at least 6 reliable sources in addition to the text of the course. The paper should address a contemporary important aspect of the concepts you are learning in this class. The student must choose his or her topic. The topic choice is part of the assignment and it must be approved by your instructor by the end of Week Three. A good place to look for interesting topics is in the material covered in your textbook.

The final paper is not due until the 7th week of class, however, it is a good idea to begin the paper now. The paper may be turned in early, as well as by the due date. Papers turned in late will be graded zero. The paper should not simply be a review printed material. The focus should be on synthesizing and reporting the research information you have found. At least 25% of the text MUST be your own words and your own work.

This percentage will be checked by your professor through the Website. Remember, large cut-and pasted sections and/or personal, unsupported opinions are not acceptable in this professional paper. Research Topics for the Research Paper due in Week Seven are due to be submitted for approval by week three.

Topics should be emailed to your Professor, using the email inside this class Health Care topics can be a matter of opinion, so, it is important to note that should you choose a topic that requires an argument to support your position on the chosen topic, acceptable references and citations are, of course, required. In addition, the opposing argument must also be posed and supported using acceptable references and citations. Failure to do this will result in a serious reduction