Healthcare Finance

For this assignment, first, watch the three videos below on how to set-up an excel spreadsheet for a cash budget. Also, refer to p. 382-390 of your textbook (Cleverly & Cleverly, 2018) for the reading material on budgeting. Next, you will create a budget using an Excel spreadsheet. It will be easier to start by looking at your personal budget or the budget for personal business. Include at least 6 months of activity and be sure to show if you are in a surplus or deficit. Make sure to include a category for savings. See Table 16-6 on p. 390 of your textbook for a detailed example.

Complete all calculations within the spreadsheet to show your work. To create a formula in Excel, start with the “=” sign in the cell. For example, =2+2 would render 4 in the cell.

Constructing a Simple Cash Budget Using XL


How To Make A Budget In Excel


Webinar: Excel Basics for Analyzing Health Data
