Epidermis data quest

DIRECTIONS: Review end utilize the following resources listed to complete a data table on the stratum Layers of the epidermis.

Step 1: Review each of the resources listed below, both the video and the readings.

Step 2: Take a rough draft of notes on the informatkm given in the resources on the Epidermis and the layers that make it up.

Step: 3 Create a data table or chart on the information retrieved from the resources and notes you created. The table/chart can be organized in any way you choose and should include the following information for each stratum layer of the skin.

Information to be Included In the tabie/chart: • Name of each layer • Number of layers of cells for each layer • Structural description of each layer include all unique and specific characteristics of each layer. • Specific additional structures found in each layer and the function of those specific structures as it applies to the skin.

‘Resources to be used:
– Crash Course video on the skin: Qtr…191.61baraduilex.taitztwns – Additional Reading Resource htto:lioperi .4) reD pit.- I a te.ed neat ion/ aa rid-oh:hap te ris- 1- 1 ayers-of-th e-s ki n/
in the above additional reading resource, be sure to only read the section on the Epidermis and its Stratum La) ers. DO NOT READ THE SECTION ON THE DE.RMIS4-*
The table/chart you create of yxnir information should be done on a Gougle Doc