Annotated Source List

The field of African-American Studies is a relatively new area of research and instruction in many institutions. According to Azevedo (2019), the need for the study originated from the concerns of black students of predominantly white institutions who felt the need for the black experience to be shared. Several institutions responded and now many books, articles, and multimedia have been produced that highlight the black experience in America.

The assignments in this course build upon one another. In the first assignment, you will conduct research and gather sources. In the second, you will write a research paper, and lastly you will give a presentation. For this first assignment, you will be creating an annotated source list that provides historical information about the African-American experience in America from 1619 to the present.

Using the textbook, the Strayer University library, and the Internet, you will need to find and evaluate five relevant, reliable, and credible sources. Provide a short summary, 3–4 sentences, of each source and how you plan to use it to support your narrative. Be sure to explain how those sources will be helpful in your research. Select one of the topics of historical significance listed below to research, write about, and present.