Sped quiz questions

  1. Define and distinguish among the following terms: impairment, disability, handicap, and at risk.
  2. Explain why disability labels do not tell us what and how to teach and why labels are used in special education.
  3. Define and give examples of each of the three types of intervention—preventive, remedial, and compensatory.
  4. Define and describe the function of this step of the special education process.

Evaluation and eligibility determination:

  1. Define and describe the function of this step of the special education process.

Program Planning:

  1. Define and describe the function of this step of the special education process.


  1. IDEA mandates that children with disabilities be educated with children without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate. Why do you think this mandate is necessary?
  2. Why is parent participation so critical to the IEP process?
  3. List the required components of an individualized education program.

List and discuss them  Be specific: