Comparative Public Admin

Assignment Eight is the final memo. You launched this task in Assignment Six. Now, write a 8 page memo on how two countries -one handling the pandemic well and one handling the pandemic poorly—are confronting this huge challenge. Use the ideas and resources from Assignment Six. Incorporate !earnings from the three textbooks and any other relevant resources. Remember to use APA format for in-text citations and to add a reference list at the end of the memo. It would make sense to have approximately one page on each of these topics. Follow this outline:

1. Introduction

2. Country one: data on COVID; perspective on COVID; strategies; which institutions are involved; performance and impact; explanatory factors

3. Country two: data on COVID; perspective on COVID; strategies; which institutions are involved; performance and impact; explanatory factors

4. Describe the role of global institutions like the UN and WHO in relation to these two countries (research this)

5. Describe the role of regional UN bodies in relation to these two countries (like ECA, ECOWAS, ESCAP, ECLAC, etc.)

6. Describe the role of non-UN regional bodies in relation to these two countries (like the African Union, the OECD, ASEAN, the Arab League, etc)

7. Discuss the experiences of these two countries in light of the concepts of failed states, fragile states, robust states and agile states.

8. Conclude about the future of countries dealing with the COVID pandemic (use a SWOT chart or forced field analysis).
Grading Rubric 20 points