
Read the articles in your assigned folder and choose one article to complete your assignment on. Use

the instructions and the rubric below to complete the assignment.

The paper must be written in APA format with proper citations and referencing. It should support

clear, organized, concise thoughts with minimum to no spelling errors. Maximum number of pages for

this assignment is 2.

1. Introduction

a. Summary of the author’s purpose and main points

2. Critique of Methodology

a. Did the author use appropriate methods for this study? If not, why? What recommendations do you have?

b. Did the author’s use and interpretation of the evidence in the article lead you (the reader) to the same conclusion? If not, why?

3. Discussion of theory applied in the article

a. What theoretical basis was used in the article?

b. How was it applied to nursing practice?

c. How was it applied to nursing research?

4. Usage of this article as a nurse practitioner

a. As an APRN, how would you utilize the article in your current or future practice?

b. Does the evidence of this article support the theoretical bases used?

c. What questions or recommendations would you make to the author?

d. Why is this article important to nursing practice?