Issue Paper Outline


  1. Introduction 
    1. Succinctly and clearly state the topic you are going to address.
    2. Why it is important? (Include relevant epidemiologic data)
  2. Literature Review 
    1. Discuss at least 5 research articles from peer-reviewed literature that evaluate the outcomes of the policy, practice, or intervention. At least 4 of these 5 articles must be primary research; one may be a meta-analysis or a strong systematic review of the literature.
    2. Briefly describe the methodology, key numerical results (do not give detailed numerical results or copy tables) and conclusions of the article paraphrased in your own words (do not cut and paste from the abstract). See sample paper for guidance.
  3. Strengths and Limitations of the Literature 
    1. Describe the strengths and limitations of the primary articles cited, paraphrased in your own words. Describe the strengths and limitations of the body of literature; do not just paraphrase the strengths and limitations stated in each paper.
    2. What do we still not know or understand about the topic you have chosen?
    3. What additional research is needed to more completely answer questions related to your topic?
  4. Policy and Practice Implications 
    1. Describe the implications of the literature you have reviewed on policy and practice and suggest changes that should occur using your own critical thinking.
    2. When describing policy implications, include:
  1. Opportunities to advocate for political, social or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations (MPH Foundational Competency 14).
  2. How current or proposed policies impact public health and health equity (MPH Foundational Competency 15).
    1. Consider the ways in which diversity may influence this process.


  1. Conclusions  
    1. Briefly summarize your paper.
    1. Briefly describe a systems-oriented approach to this issue (MPH Foundational Competency 22).
    2. State your overarching conclusion.
  1. References (in APA style)