Diversity and Social Responsibility
Suggested questions for the Article Critique submissions Answer the following questions and write not more than a two-page critique for each of the articles that you select
- Is the title appropriate? Yes/No
- Is the article theoretical, empirical, or both? Theoretical/Empirical/Both/Practitioner oriented
- Does the article include: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references? Yes/List any missing item(s)
- Does the article introduce the problem or new concepts clearly? Clear/Unclear introduction
- Does the article address problems of significant concern to sustainability and/or social responsibility? Highly significant/Somewhat significant/Not significant
- List three important facts from the literature review that the author(s) use(s) to support the main idea(s) of their article. 1-, 2-, 3-, or lacks objective reasoning/uses biased or unreliable sources
- Are there any propositions or hypotheses? Yes/No If so, how many? Number___________.
- If yes, then are propositions or hypotheses logically derived from the theory or conceptual framework? All logically derived/Some logically derived/None logically derived/No propositions/hypotheses
- Was the sample size sufficient? Yes/No/No sample size mentioned If not, then it should have been about ____.
- Did the author(s) draw correct conclusions from the study/sample/analysis of their research intentions/hypotheses? Yes, all correct/Yes, some correct/No, all wrong/No hypotheses were tested/Not applicable
- Was the discussion supported by appropriate statistical analysis? Based on statistics analysis/Purely conjectural/Not applicable
- List any examples of bias or faulty reasoning that you found in the article. Free of bias and supported by reliable sources/Speculative reasoning/Biased use of sources/Promoting a perspective
- What information or ideas discussed in this article are also considered in your textbook and/or presented in this class? 1-, 2-, 3-, or All-new information
- Managerial implications of the findings? Yes, practical use(s)/Limited application(s)/Not actionable
- Did the article make a significant contribution to sustainability and/or social responsibility literature/fields? Very significant/Somewhat significant/Not at all significant/Can not determine
- Your opinion/analysis/critique. Open-ended presentation