The Great Depression.

Explain how WWII served to bring the United States out of the economic distress known as The Great Depression.

For full credit, answers must be written at a college level and in your own words. Do not simply copy the textbook. Be sure to answer the question completely.
The response to each midterm exam prompt needs to be no less than 750 words in length or about 2.5 pages in 12 point font. Use a readable font in 12 point size, double spaced with 1 inch margins.
Be sure to include MLA style in-text OR footnote citations but not both.
Students should be able to complete this essay using the texts required for this class. However, if outside sources are used, be sure they are appropriate scholarly sources. Avoid websites like wikipedia,, etc.
Include a works cited.
Include an accurate word count at the end of the essay that does NOT include footnotes or works cited.
Students should be sure their name is typed on the top line of the assignment not just as the file name.
Each paper is worth 250 points.