Simple Justice

Based on the movie “Simple Justice”, or the book by Richard Kluger “Simple Justice”

Evaluate Richard Kluger thesis that the notion that “Separate but Equal” can never be equal is a matter of simple justice. Whether you agree or disagree with his thesis, trace the efforts (court cases and activism) of the NAACP as well as the legal campaign between 1930-1954 and beyond in trying to convince the country that segregation can never be equal regardless of the efforts by the state governments to provide equal but separate facilities to African Americans.

In the Thesis: You need to explain in your own words what is simple justice and whether the effort to transform public discourse (attitude) regarding separate but equal amounted to simple justice or evolved complex sense of right and wrong.

In the body paragraph, you tell the story of the NAACP civil rights agenda and changes in attitudes of the Supreme Court and other state courts, Black and white public opinion. In other words you tell the story.

Conclusion: Was it simple or evolved. As always, there is no right answer. It’s a persuasive essay.