Exam 1

Answers should be clear and concise to address the main points of each topic as discussed in the subsequent weeks with a minimum of 250 words.

An associated diagram/graph should be drawn (student-created) or included from the Internet (please include the URL) to help clarify any of your points. Utilize the checklist below to assist with completion of each essay answer: 10 points:

The information is correct and the main points of the topic are explained appropriately 5 points:

A personal example or an application is included, which effectively help to strengthen the topic’s points. 5 points:

An appropriate diagram/graph is included to enhance the topic’s points. The diagram/graph could be student-created or an image from the

Internet (please include the URL). 5 points:

There are no grammatical and/or spelling errors. 5 points:

Each topic question is answered in a minimum of 250 words.


Explain the action potential of a cardiac pacemaker cell.


Explain the action potential of a cardiomyocyte cell.


Explain the cardiac cycle.


Explain the affects of the autonomic nervous system on heart activity,

including the specific receptors.


Explain the different blood types and a transfusion reaction.


Explain the clotting pathways