Present an article from an authoritative Trade/Business print publication/website that reviews advertising in relation to the topics we are covering in Module 2 (Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). Suggested topics based on our course readings in these chapters include the effect of advertising in relation to stereotypes, issues related to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or ability in advertising, and advertising to children.

Posted below is an example of an article from The Guardian published in 2014 that reviews advertising to children for your reference as a type of article you might select for this assignment. This article should not be submitted by anyone in this course to fulfill the requirements of this assignment: SAMPLE ARTICLE The Tricky Business of Advertising to Children The Guardian US Edition Bruce Watson 2-24-14.pdf SAMPLE ARTICLE The Tricky Business of Advertising to Children The Guardian US Edition Bruce Watson 2-24-14.pdf – Alternative Formats
The article must be from an authoritative source and must have been published on or after 1/1/21. Examples of authoritative Trade/Business publications/websites include Adweek, Ad Age, Marketing News, PR News, The Wall Street Journal, NY Times, and Forbes, among others. The TTU Library offers free access to these types of publications for enrolled students.
Attach the required soft copy (file) of the article you are presenting to the Journal post so members of the course can read the article. Then do the following:
Provide a brief synopsis of the article.
Explain why the information in the article is important to consider in relation to our review of controversies in contemporary advertising.
Discuss the implications for advertising, branding, and or strategic communication professionals.
Include a complete APA style citation of the article.