Discussion response

Read statement below and espond substantively to your peer. Comment on the leadership attributes identified and the connections made between systems leadership and continuous quality. How do their responses compare to yours? Are there any similarities or differences that surprised you?

Systems leadership is becoming a global approach to public health issues “where emphasis is placed on the relationships between the parts that forma a physical system in addition to understanding the individual parts and their environment separately” (Bigland, et.al., 2020, p. 2). It is important to examine and work to improve all facets of a situation/issue to establish a continuous system of quality improvement. In order to move forward to continuously elevate work and improve quality, all parts of the system must work together and it’s important to have strong leadership that “shifts attention to leadership beyond organizational boundaries and across the wider network of groups, organizations, communities and stakeholders involved in creating and sustaining whole systems change” (Bolden, et.al., 2019, p. 28).