How does Adam II live a redeemed life? How do Adam I/II differ in their outlook on marriage and relationships with others?

Jewish study

1) How does Adam II live a redeemed life?

2) Rav Soloveitchik presents a paradox: We are able to find G-d in every aspect of nature -the sky is “מספרים כבוד קל” – yet the closer we get to the Divine the further away we feel from fully comprehending Hashem and His greatness. Explain/elaborate on what this means to you. Provide an example to further clarify in either history or your own experience.

3) How do Adam I/II differ in their outlook on marriage and relationships with others?

4) Take a look at this article by Rabbi David Aaron ( it’s a good summary and ads more of a modern spin to the Rav). Especially notice this paragraph on p. 46)

“On the one hand we feel valuable when we are productive and exerting mastery over environment. On the other hand, we feel the need to acknowledge the existential value of simply being alive regardless of anything we can do or accomplish. The motto of our creative side is ‘I work, therefore I am – and therefore I am valuable’. But our sacred side is not satisfied with the existence where personal value depends upon what we do in relation to the outside world. Our sacred side boldly asserts, ‘G-d is, therefore I am – and therefore I am valuable.’ It informs us that our value will not be determined or measured by our accomplishments in the world but by our intrinsic worth of our soul as part of G-d. Then we are truly a “someone” – some of the One. And to experience that truth we must celebrate our connection with G-d.”

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