Exam 1: Written Name:Math110 Spring 2021

1.(10 points.) Consider the following sets
A = {x|x N and 25 x 75 and x is an even number}
B = {x|x N and x 50 and x is an odd number}
U = {x|x N and x 100}
where U is the universal set under consideration. Identify the set ̃A ̃B using roster
2.(10 points.) Let P and Q be two true statements. Construct a truth table and
identify the truth value of the statement
(P ̃Q) ( ̃P Q)
Complete all of your work on a separate sheet of paper (no need to print this page) and
email a photograph of the page to rrtromacek@dmacc.edu with the subject ”Math 110
Exam 1”.