6-2 Project One

For this project, you will write a theory application paper; you will apply theories of personality to yourself, someone you know,or someone you have read about in a biography or autobiography. The Project One Milestone you completed in Module Four
Helped prepare you for this assignment. Use the Project One Template to complete your paper.
Note: This paper will contain nonclinical analysis. Your task is not to diagnose or assign clinical labels to yourself or
others. That would require licensure beyond the scope of this course.
Consider visiting the Academic Support module before submitting your paper. Resources in that module include writing
tutoring, written feedback for writing assignments, and citation help from the Shapiro Library.
You must address the rubric criteria listed below:
1. Identify who you are applying theories of personality to and explain why. Your response should be about 3 to 5
sentences in length.
2. Describe how components of a personality theory of your choice relate to your subject. Your response should be about
6 to 10 sentences in length and include the following:
A. Components of personality theory, including but not limited to traits, behaviors, motives, or defense
B. Multiple components from the theory applied to your subject with examples (i.e., behaviors that exemplify the
C. Citations when you are describing the theory
3. Describe how components of a second personality theory of your choice relate to your subject. Your response should
be about 6 to 10 sentences in length and include the following:
A. Components of personality theory, including but not limited to traits, behaviors, motives, or defense
B. Multiple components from the theory applied to your subject with examples (i.e., behaviors that exemplify the
C. Citations when you are describing the theory
4. Describe the limitations of each of the two theories you related to your subject. Your response should be about 6 to 10
sentences in length and include at least one limitation for each theory.
5. Explain why taking a holistic approach and applying multiple theories to a subject is better than applying only one. Your response should be about 6 to 10 sentences in length.