Rhetorical Analysis Essay:

For this project you will be asked to select a social media post that is engaged in discourse about social (in)justice and write a rhetorical analysis on it. In your analysis make sure to observe the rhetorical strategies (e.g. Logic, Ethics, Emotion) being employed by the piece.

Is the post persuasive and/or rhetorically effective?

What is the central argument? Who is the intended audience?

Why has the author created this post?

Here are some possible project topics, but you are free to choose your own: The Black Lives Matter Movement, The Defund The Police Movement, The Abolish The Police Movement, The Me Too Movement, and The Capitol Riot. Refer to the course readings on rhetoric.


You are required to use a minimum of 3 scholarly sources (journals, essays, texts, articles), 1 of which must be from the course readings on rhetoric from week 1.


The Rough Draft should be approximately 2 pages