Respiratory Case Study

1. Discuss the etiology of COPD. What risk factors for COPD does Mrs. M have? What lifestyle restrictions does the patient face?

2. Define lobectomy and tracheotomy. Why are these medical procedures indicated for this patient?

3. Mrs. M had a perforating sigmoid colon? What does this mean? How could she have ended up with this condition? Left untreated, this condition leads to peritonitis. What is that and how can it be treated?
According to the arterial blood gas results, has Mrs. M. improved at discharge? Defend your answer using blood gases.

4. Mrs. M is diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma. Define this medical condition. What diagnostics are used to confirm this condition? What interventions are prescribed to treat this condition?

5. Identify Mrs. M’s nursing problems. What outcomes are appropriate for her in view of her end-stage respiratory failure?