Strategic Management

Prepare and present a report and contribute to a discussion that demonstrates mastery of the course material and its relevance to your academic specialization. Report should analyze why a tool(s) is used in all member specializations, why a tool(s) is not, and the benefit of adopting such tools. Reporting is at the level of member specializations rather than the organizational level of prior assignments. Final reports must not discuss the importance of strategic management in general and must include a composite table (created from member tables) depicting member specializations and tools used.

Members will prepare and share with their team a brief (maximum 500 – 750 word) report that examines whether, how, and why strategic management is/could/should be relevant and important for the specialization they have pursued in this degree program. Members shall mark-up and submit the attached table along with their report.
The team will then analyze the member reports and table, searching for patterns (similarities and differences between and across specializations) and evaluating their broader implications for successful implementation of strategy and strategic decision making. Faculty will follow and contribute to this team analysis and discussion.

Teams will prepare a brief (maximum 1,000 word) final synopsis of findings and conclusions and post it as a new thread in the team’s study group by Sunday of the last week of class (Week 12). Teams will also share a copy of the final synopsis in an all-class discussion area so everyone can benefit from the small group findings and analysis.
All members are expected to demonstrate effective team skills and must contribute actively, substantively, and in a timely manner to all components of this assignment.