
1. Prepare a single-spaced, typed paper in 12-pt font, using as many pages as needed to cover required elements.
2. Your paper must include the following information for your assigned nutrient:
a. Background/history on discovery and/or historical use in nutrition
b. Functions, benefits, roles in health
c. Dietary Recommendations (DRI)
d. Signs of Deficiency/Toxicity/Imbalance
e. Sources—food and/or other
f. Summary- Summarize your findings on the importance of this nutrient to good health. What new information did you learn about your nutrient?
3. Attach a Reference page. References must be from scholarly text, peer-reviewed journals or data retrieved from scientific sites such as: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Journal of Clinical Nutrition,,,,, and/or
4. Bonus Points: 2 extra points if you include with your paper a picture of a food source of your nutrient and identify the MyPlate Food Group it represents.

Presentation: (60 points)
1. Teach the class about your nutrient with a brief presentation (3 to 5 minutes, Power Point or other presentation media). You must include:
a. Functions, benefits, roles in health
b. Dietary Recommendations (DRI)
c. Signs of Deficiency/Toxicity/Imbalance
d. Sources—foods and/or other, and the MyPlate food group(s) represented
e. Summary- Summarize your findings on the importance of this nutrient to good health. What new information did you learn about your nutrient?