Upto the writer

In this task, you will examine WHO coaches coach by considering a variety of ways to profile (that is, categorise aspects of an athlete’s performance to inform the planning of coaching sessions) either a group of players or an individual athlete (depending on the sporting context chosen).

Three profiles are to be created: one profile can be a technical or physical one, the other two profiles MUST be from different perspectives (that is, not technical or physical ones).

Supporting reading:

All material presented on the module to date (i.e., weeks 1-5 on the Reading List)


Use the template (link HERE) and submit to Canvas by the time and date specified.

Section 1: Gather evidence on a group of players or an individual athlete (depending on team or individual sport context) in a coaching session or interview a coach and create profiles from three distinct perspectives.

Choose ONE of the following three options:

1. Interview with a coach where you focus your questioning on the information the coach would want from the athlete in order to develop their performance and how they would measure this(i.e., profile) OR

2. Profiling performers from a session that you are coaching. OR

3. (ONLY choose option 3 if you cannot access a coaching session). Identifying and summarising relevant five research articles on the topic of profiling athletes (NB you must consider at least three different perspectives across the five articles – only ONE of these can be physical or technical). These summaries should be supported by a description of your article selection criteria.


Section 1 Submission of option 1 or 2 will include your three profiles and should be supported by field notes, interview questions etc.

Section 1 Submission of option 3 will include a 150 word summary of each article.

Section 2: Analyse the evidence you have presented in Section 1. To do this, it will be important to consider relevant theory, concepts, and research related to the topic. Support your analysis with referencing.

As a guide, consider questions such as: What do these profiles tell the coach about who they are coaching? What are the implications of this? Are multiple profiles required? What are the disadvantages of profiling?

Section 2 submission could be presented as a table, figurers or text of up to a maximum of 400 words.

Section 3: Critical reflection on what you have learnt about who we coach, specifically focusing on the implications for coaches in their delivery of coaching sessions. Support your reflection with appropriate referencing.

Section 3 submission to be presented as text of up to 500 words.