Final research

  • Explain the relationship between reactants and products
    • Describe why chemical bonds hold energy (potential and kinetic)
    • Use the first and second laws of thermodynamics to explain energy available to do work
    • What is activation energy and how do cells store and retrieve energy from organic molecules?
  • Identify the function and aspects of enzymes within metabolic pathways
    • What is enzyme specificity?
    • Describe the metabolic pathways and mechanisms that regulate them.
      • Identify some of the environmental effects on enzyme activity.
    • How do cells use electron transport chains?
    • What is ATP?
  • Compare and contrast the processes and cellular mechanisms of substance movement across cell membranes
    • Diffusion and factors that influence rate and direction of diffusion
      • Concentration gradient
    • Selective permeability in terms of lipid bilayers
    • Osmosis and turgor pressure in cells
      • Solution Concentrations (hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic)
    • The purpose of transport proteins
      • Passive and Active Transport (ATP)
      • Endocytosis and Exocytosis