General Guidelines For Writing Essay #3

This Essay accounts for 20% of the final grade.

Make sure that you are describing the analysis that you will be conducting.

Address each of the following:

a. research question or hypotheses: state either a research question; or null hypothesis and related alternative hypothesis. How do you expect the results to come out? Why? In your answer, be sure to refer to previous research and/or theory to support your answer (

Please see the other two essays attached to help answer this questions)

Research Question- Relation between Juveniles and Property Crimes Ages 12-18

What results can we expect to come out?

Does age causes property crime? Or does Age influence property crimes

b. describe your research design and sample

Quantitative Research deign. Be data driven. (Ratio between Property crime and Age 12-18) Use Uniform Crime Report ( Sample = where the data is coming from)

c. What is your independent variable? What is your dependent variable? Your unit of analysis is going to be either group (aggregate) data or data at the individual level.

Independent Variable is Age ( defined), Dependent variable is property crime (Defined/ Use Uniform Crime Report. Example include theft, burglary, automobile theft etc…). Explain where the data came from.

Unit of Analysis ( Use Group data or aggregate data for this portion)

No hard data required, just explaining where the data is going to come from. Source

(Possible sources to use include OJJDP website and Census. gov)

d. Data Analysis- what SPSS (SPSS Statistics is a software package used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis) procedure will you use to analyze your data? Why?

*SPSS is going to use Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient*

Analysis going to be descriptive data because of Pearson’s correlation coefficient. It’s a descriptive statistical measure.

Pearson’s is used to determine the relationship between my independent variable and my dependent variable.

Explain why I picked this procedure and how I do the analysis.

At least five lines of data and five years of data

e. What is the degree of difficulty in conducting your study (e.g. how difficult was it to find data that was related to your research question and you could perform data analysis with it)?

Use Your Own Words

Just answer this questions above.

f. What is the potential significance of the proposed analysis to knowledge, theory, the field of criminology, and society?

Use Your Own Words Here

What is the significance of my study to the field of criminology, and society? (Example, my research can assist and understanding a little bit more about the relationship between race and who commits what types of crimes).

Refer back to some of theories used in the attached essays written before. Use other knowledge as well.

g. What are the strengths and limitations related to your ability to complete your study?

Reference citations are not required, although you can use reference citations to support any of the above points (a-g). If you use any references, everything must be in APA format (both in the text and the reference list) and copies of the references are submitted with the Essay.


Title Page (e.g. your name; CRJU 485.001; Semester; and Essay #3)