Week 7 hw

1. Let’s Generalize: One serving of rice is 2/3 of a cup.
a) I ate 1 cup of rice. How many servings of rice did I eat?

b) I ate 2 cups of rice. How many servings of rice did I eat?

c) I ate 5 cups of rice. How many servings of rice did I eat?

d) What is the rule for finding the number of servings eaten? Why does it work?
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Solve each problem using a math drawing. Write a corresponding math expression.
2. How many cups of popcorn make a serving if 6 cups of popcorn make
a) 2 servings?

b) 1
2 of a serving?

3. If 2
3 of John’s order is 4 pizzas, how many pizzas are in a full order?

4. Suppose 11
3 oranges is 2
5 of an adult serving. How many oranges make up 1
adult serving?

5. If 61
4 gallons of water can fill 5
6 of a container, how many gallons of water fill
one full container?

6. A long distance runner covers 21
4 miles in 3
5 hour. How many miles can the runner cover in 1 hour?