Student data analysis

1. Administer and score an assessment to the entire class that will cover 3-5 different skills sets with 5 – 10 questions. This
can be an in class assignment, exit ticket, or more formal quiz/assessment.

2. Record the data by skill in the Data by Skill table and then again by student in the Data by Student table.

3. Answer the following questions using your completed Data by Skill table:
a. Look at trends by standard, question, or objective. Which would you prioritize for reteaching or extension and why?
b. Considering what is in the misconceptions column, identify one to three foundational skills that students need in order to move forward in their learning.

4. Answer the following question using your completed Data by Student table:
a. Noting which students who are close to the mastery cut off, identify the major trends in which skills they are missing
to achieve mastery.

5. In the Reteaching table, group your students by who is ready for enrichment and who requires intervention. Describe the specific strategies/learning activities you plan to use with your students based on remediation or advancement of that

6. Answer the following questions using the Reteaching table.
a. What modifications could you make to the strategies and learning activities for future lessons, to better facilitate
student learning?
b. What modifications could you make to the data collection method in the future to better understand student growth?