Modern democracy

Choose 2 questions for 2 separate answers of 1,100 words each (including the bibliography at the end of each one). Indicate clearly which questions you are answering.
• Space is limited. Be very efficient in your answers: state the argument in the first sentence or two, and immediately begin making your case.
o Example: for question 4, you could write at the outset “The expression ‘party systems’ refers to …, and they come about because of…”. Then begin developing these two statements.
• You must use the readings (textbook, coursepack, etc.) to find material for your answers. Lectures notes (PowerPoint) are also a source. Cite your sources using your preferred method.
• Each question requires using material from more than one week. This material has to be explained and weaved together into a coherent answer. Do not simply summarize the material. As well, focus on the material that is relevant to answering the question.
• Together, these 4 questions allow you to use all topics we have seen from the start of the term to 14 October.
1. Some people believe that the adoption of modern democracy requires the acceptance of the basic tenets of liberalism. Why is that the case?
2. Modern democracy is mostly (but not entirely) representative, thus making the methods used to elect representatives especially important. Starting from these two observations, explain the link between representative democracy and electoral systems.
3. When democratic political systems are set up, the first concern is the division of power within the state. What is “power” in general, and why do we consider its division in the state so important?
4. Different countries have different political party systems. What do we mean by “party systems”, and why are they different from country to country