Against the Grain: Jim Teague in Tanzania

In responding to all questions/prompts focus on issues and actions described in this case itself. Draw from assigned readings where you can to support your observations and conjectures.

A. Discussion Questions (4pts)

How did Jim Teague get into the situation he finds himself in?

What, if anything, troubles you most about the decision faced by Jim Teague?


B. Power and Responsibility (6pts)

To respond to this question, consider what you have learned about sources and contingencies of power, influence approaches, and power-related outcomes not only in organizations but in broader society. Within the given constraints for this assignment, answer the following:
Why does Jim Teague have so much power? What factors have contributed to Jim Teague’s suddenly “awesome” responsibility? How can Jim make good on this responsibility?

This question is designed to be integrative in nature, so spend some time considering how different concepts and issues are working together to create situations or how they help explain possible reactions or responses. Bring together multiple aspects of the case and possibly content covered in any of your studies or your lived experiences.