
Read Ch. 1,2, & 4 of Somebody Scream and watch music videos by Boogie Down Productions (You Must Learn, Love is Gonna Getcha), Public Enemy (Fight the Power), X Clan (Funkin Lesson), and Grand Master Flash and The Furious Five (The Message).
Utilizing the following readings: Ch. 1,2, &4 of Somebody Scream, Ch. 2 of Can’t Stop Won’t Stop music videos and the film Sankofa. You shall do the following: Write a 2 page paper on why Black consciousness as defined by the Department of Black Studies is important in Hip-Hop.
Black Consciousness defined: In Black Studies, the return to Black consciousness means to see the world through an Afrocentric lens and regain knowledge of history and ethos. Black consciousness is to embrace Black love, Black beauty, Black intelligence, and the acknowledgement that Black Lives Matter.
Remember you must watch the movie Sankofa and include it in what you write in the essay.
The three elements of Black Consciousness consist of:


1.Identity: Knowing yourself Who are you and what are your roots, legacy and history?

2.Time: Knowing the appropriate action at the right time. Time for planning; time for action; time for war; time for love, etc.

3.Location: Knowing where you are physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually