Highschool English – Short story

LI1.01 – analyse and assess ideas, issues, and explicit and implicit information in texts (e.g., assess information from a research report to write an executive summary; explain how separate incidents, characters, or elements in a novel work together to communicate the main theme);
LI1.02 – select and use specific and significant evidence from texts to support judgements and arguments (e.g., support an argument, using convincing examples from texts and research materials; support an interpretation of a character with specific reference to the dialogue in a play);
WR1.02 – organize and analyse the information, ideas, and sources to suit specific forms and purposes for writing (e.g., categorize information from a variety of sources to clarify divergent positions on an issue; use suggestions from peer discussion in assessing alternative opinions or ideas for an independent study project);
WR3.01 – use report structure, essay structure, and organizational patterns such as induction, deduction, and process-analysis to present information and ideas in reports and essays (e.g., use a general-to-specific pattern to organize the headings and content of a report on how a law is passed; use a process-analysis pattern to describe the stages of the writing process);
WR3.02 – select and use appropriate organizational patterns to structure expressive writing and multimedia presentations (e.g., use chronological order to describe the events leading to the crisis in a script; use a comparison-and-contrast pattern to organize and present information and ideas in an independent study project).
LG1.01 – apply a variety of strategies to extend vocabulary while reading, with an emphasis on discerning nuances and judging the precision of words (e.g., read articles in a news magazine and describe how the context might help them decipher the meaning of new or unfamiliar words; use a thesaurus to find synonyms for a word and systematically substitute to assess the effect of different word choices);
LG1.02 – analyse the origins and roots of words used in different areas of science, business, and technology (e.g., computer studies, hospitality services, communication technology, financial services, health care);
LG1.05 – recognize, describe, and use correctly, in oral and written language, the language structures of standard Canadian English and its conventions of grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation, as prescribed for this course (e.g., consult recognized style guides for information about language conventions).