PHS100 Portfolio Item #3


For this portfolio item, please select ONE of the options below, and follow the instructions associated with that option.

Option 1: Physical Sciences in our everyday lives

Option 2: Physical Sciences and society

Option 3: Physical Sciences and the movies



This option is very similar to portfolio 2—you need to pick a topic from life outside of class and apply the concepts of the physical sciences to it. It’s sort of like a mini paper on the way something works. Choose a topic to which you can apply concepts from this unit of the course: gravity, energy, temperature, thermodynamics, etc. Some ideas of appropriate topics include amusement parks, satellites, the orbits of planets and moons, weathering of rocks, climate change, ocean ice, geothermal energy generation, anything related to the weather…..the list goes on and on. Feel free to choose a topic that you know something about, but also feel free to choose something that you don’t know much about but interests you!