Wedding events proposal

Assignment 1: Individual essay (40% weighting. 1,200 words)
“Write an essay which gives an academic context to the role of celebratory events in society, the ritual, and how they have evolved”.

You should select from one of the following event types, as defined by Getz (2020):
Rites of passage – one of Birth, Coming of Age, Marriage, Death
Royal spectacles or Military celebrations
Religious rites and Pilgrimage
Carnivals, Mardi Gras or Parades
Festivals or Heritage commemorations
Specifically you will need to:

Give a clear introduction which includes the role of celebratory events in society, and the ritual. Give a rationale of why you have selected the particular event type (20% weighting)

Critically analyze your chosen event type in a socio-cultural context, considering how these and other macro-environmental factors have impacted how the event type has evolved, and will continue to do so looking forwards (60% weighting)

Provide evidence of good academic underpinning using a wide range of sources (including a minimum of 5 academic). Use the Harvard referencing conventions to cite in-text, and provide a full Reference list (20% weighting)

Assignment 2: Individual Event Proposal (60% weighting. 1,800 words)
“Prepare a wedding Event proposal in response to a Client brief. Include a reflection on the process.”
The brief will be given to you by a client in Wk 7.
There are 2 parts to your Assignment: the Event Proposal and a Reflective piece. These should be submitted as one document.
1. The Event Proposal (80% marks, approx. 1,500 words) should include the following:

A covering letter (write in the 1st person)
You should demonstrate your understanding of the client requirements, the theme you will be working with, how you will work with the client, and why you are the right choice of event planner

The operational components (write in the 3rd person)
This should include:
The legal requirements for a civil wedding ceremony
The choice of venue, with justification
An overview of:
The Event plan (a schedule of events for the wedding)
Hospitality arrangements (catering, entertainment decoration, flowers)
The Communication plans with a) the client, and b) guests
The Budget

Appendices (which for this assignment will be marked) – Include the Event plan, the Budget, the Critical path and the Communication Plans
The event plan will give an overview of the schedule for the wedding. The budget will show a breakdown of costs. The critical path will give details of the project plan throughout. The communication plans will give details of client and guest communications.