Punishment and Penal Policy


Your task is to produce two 500 word blog entries (overall word count 1000 words +/- 10%). One of these relates to the knowledge of the topic and one relates to reflection. Both blogs must be completed for this task. The blogs are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding of the topic, demonstrating analysis of critical issues and reflection on what you have learned and the implications for your own practice. This artifact is designed to achieve and assess learning outcomes 1, 3 and 4.

Blog 1

You should produce a 500 word blog entry, choosing one topic from the list below:

Issues in prison (such as overcrowding, drug use, culture etc.)

Effectiveness of community sentences

Use of the third (voluntary) sector in prison and/or probation services

Blog 2

You should produce a 500 word reflective blog based upon your learning from blog 1. You should consider what you have learned and how this might impact your practice. If you are not currently working with cases you might consider how this might inform future practice. You might consider the extent that exploration of the topic has challenged your own understanding and values. You may refer to a case in this reflection if you feel this illustrates your point (please use a pseudonym or initials) but this should be as concise as possible.

Additional Guidance:

Your blogs do not require an overall introduction and conclusion. Your blogs must be underpinned by the academic literature. Your blogs should include a single reference list at the end to cover both blogs. The references for this artifact must be in APA 7th edition. Include an overall title for the piece and clearly identify your blogs with sub-headings. You are encouraged to use a model of reflection to aid your reflective blog (for example, Kolb, Gibbs, Driscoll etc.).