Fighting human trafficking

Overview: The UN Trafficking Protocol provides an integrated framework for fighting human trafficking through a 3-pronged strategy of prevention of trafficking, prosecution of traffickers, and protection of victims. The goal of this assignment is to identify examples that are being taken at the local, regional, and/or international level to fight
human trafficking, and prepare a brief report.


Write a report on a human trafficking initiative of your choice
1. Conduct on-line research to identify one specific initiative(found down below) to fight human trafficking at the local level. The initiatives can be by non-governmental, governmental, or supranational groups or organizations, and can focus on one or more types of trafficking. HINT: Select an initiative that engages in different types of actions at different
levels, so you can relate them to the various aspects of the UN strategy. View the following website to identify initiatives: =#filter
(Links to an external site.)

*Note that you are not required to use this website. You may find initiatives by other means, but this site may be helpful in your search.

1. Write a report addressing the following points for each of your three specific initiatives:Local Initiative (within Illinois)

1. Describe the initiative (e.g., group identity and mission) in your own words (2 points).

2. Discuss how your chosen initiative addresses each of the three strategies identified in the UN Trafficking Protocol. Be sure that you provide specific examples and be explicit in making connections in your analysis. If the initiative does not address each of the strategies, report on that (3 points).

3. Critique your chosen initiative by outlining its strengths and weaknesses. Again, make sure to incorporate course concepts in your critique as a way of demonstrating your understanding (2 points).

4. Your assignment must meet the following requirements (4 points)
a. Typed, double-spaced, with 12 point font and 1” margins
b. Maximum 3 pages in length
c. Organized using the letters A, B, C
d. Free from grammar and spelling errors
e. If you use the textbook or outside sources to support your answers, cite your sources (APA formatting).