Gender roles in sports

Part A

You should have completed your proposal draft to include the proposition, literature review, and synthesis. Now you must add the research design and research methods sections. Create a section called Method. In that section you will develop sub-sections that (a) provides an overview of your research approach; (b) describes the participants (or studies if a meta-analysis, or documents if a content analysis) you plan to use and the sampling plan for obtaining these participants/studies/documents (omit this section if your study does not have these items); (c), define the measurement instruments you will employ, if any; and (d) detail the procedures you will follow. See the Sample Proposals in Student Resources (there are three proposals: one for an experiment with a survey, one for a qualitative study, and one for a meta-analysis) for guidance on APA format and how these sub-sections should be organized). Make the corrections from your Week 1 and Week 2 proposal and add this new Method section to it. Submit the whole proposal you have to date, not just the Method portion.

Part B

You should have completed your proposal draft to include the proposition, literature review, and Method section. Now you must complete the following to do the results section.

Create a section labeled Results. This section describes your data recording and analysis process. Most studies will have five sub-sections (Data Recording; Reliability, Validity, and Bias Checks; Descriptive Statistics; Test of Hypotheses/Questions; Exploratory Analyses). This part of your study should be consistent with the earlier sections (i.e., it should fit the research approach and method you selected). See the Sample Proposals in Student Resources for guidance (there are three proposals: one for an experiment with a survey, one for a qualitative study, and one for a meta-analysis).

Be sure to describe the relevant data that will be collected to support your hypotheses and answer your research questions. Show what results must occur from the data analysis to support each of your hypotheses or answer your questions.

If you are doing a quantitative study, the data analysis should follow the steps outlined on pp. 156-158 in your textbook (also refer to the sample proposals in Student Resources for guidance). Also, use Table 8.3 on p. 159 of your textbook and the information in the PowerPoint slides on quantitative analysis to determine the statistical test(s) you will use.

If you are doing a qualitative study, follow the guidelines on pp. 190-198 in your textbook. If you are doing a mix-method study, combine the analysis process for the quantitative portion (pp. 156-158) with the analysis process for the qualitative portion (pp. 190-198).