Implicit Bias for Health Care workers

Create a Power Point Presentation of an Evaluation Plan for Training that identifies Implicit Bias for Health Care workers (Nurses and Receptionists).

The Implicit Bias Training focus will be on topics like How to Speak with patients, Responding to patient’s needs, and Providing medical assistants care, etc. when talking to patients especially patients of racial and ethnic minority background.

Some key points to address are below and outside of those you can elaborate on other topics
Background in implicit biases
Help to recognize their own human biases
Articulate how implicit biases can affect their perceptions and behavior
Discuss how biased can impact the patient, the care being offered and the health care company.
Describe how this will support the procedural policies of the health care company.
Demonstrate the tactics and skills that will reduce the influence of implicit bias and be effective

Also, within the Power Point Presentation of an Evaluation Plan for Training that identifies Implicit Bias for Health Care workers (Nurses and Receptionists) create a questionnaire with 10 questions with answering choices of 1-Very Unlikely, 2-Unlikely, 3-Neutral, 4 -Likely, 5-Very Likely, that could be taken to help Health Care Workers (Nurses and Receptionists) identify Implicit Bias and help increase awareness of their bias.

This Evaluation Plan for training must measure to what extent the training achieved its expressed goals.

Input Speaker Notes describing the topic that are displayed on each slide.