Task 2

Interrelation with one other Department
(400 words)

In this 400 word section you can identify and discuss how the Operations Departments comes in contact, communications, discussed and interacts with only one other department.

Some examples of interactions can include the below by the interrelation should be a REAL and ACTUAL interaction at your organisation:

Human Resources Management – Some examples can come from Chapter 9 or other example can investigated from company:

o Interact during the Recruitment and Selection process, set up standards for new employees, deliver training to new requires, meet with HR for Health and Safety policy making, Writing employee guides on facility management,

Discuss the TQM / Quality organisational culture with HR and Quality

standards, Design Jobs Descriptions, Design the layout and work environment, Discuss how to reduce work related employee stress; Involve Unions, Improvements meeting for work processes.


Marketing & Sales: You should include examples from you company and these can include:

o Operations getting involved during market research, or when participating during focus groups for new products, OM can be included in the Timing of Special Offer to manage Demand and Inventory, discuss new product features and design, evaluate customer feedback from product usage to integrate with production, Discuss the 4Ps or Unique Selling Point with Operations, Review advertising plan, Discuss Process Design with Marketing for product delivery, Draw User Instruction Manuals for customers. Discuss strengths and weaknesses of product design with operations. Involve Marketing Department with R&D. Discuss Competitors Products.


Accounting & Finance: These meetings could be many and here are some examples:

o OM to discuss Budgeting for Staff; How to eliminate Waste in operations, Planning for Expenses for Production; Liaison during Purchasing and Procurement process; Selecting a Supplier Process; Discuss of Rent Space expenses for Inventory, Discuss four costs of Quality Management with
Finance; Meet on improving systems to cut costs like JIT, Lean, TQM etc;