Movie : Flight (2012)

Discuss some aspect of the film. This could include, but not limited to, discussing a character(s), setting(s), conflict(s), or overall film and it should be clear, which film was chosen for this assignment. In order to receive maximum points, should discuss, explicitly, a theory, concept, or theme from the course to illustrate how it manifests or comes forward in the film. In addition, students should relate the film to some aspect of real world society, which could include using a historical or contemporary example of how this illustrates sociological themes. Finally, students should proofread, as grammar, structure, and overall presentation of paper will be graded. Each paper should include: unique title in the header. A minimum of five (5) scholarly sources should be used to address the policy discussed in this paper. (Additional, non-scholarly sources are encouraged but cannot replace scholarly sources). By this point, students should already have five peer-reviewed sources from annotated bibliography and one non-peer reviewed news article from current events assignment to use for this policy paper.
Any and all citations, including readings from the class or outside sources, as well as the film, should be cited in APA style citations for both in-text citations and reference page. A failure to properly cite references will result in a lowering grade.