Film Evaluation on To Kill A Mockingbird

Subject: Adaptations/Film & Society
The classic film To Kill A Mockingbird was released in 1962 in the midst of the civil rights movement of the U.S. Not only is it an adaptation of a classic novel, but clearly a film to address the social unrest and inequities of the justice system. Gregory Peck won the Oscar for his portrayal of the great, benevolent, defense attorney Atticus Finch. However, many were shocked with the release of Harper Lee’s book, Go Set A Watchman to discover an elderly Atticus Finch upholding white supremacy and segregationist views. Does this alter your view of the film? Read some of the modern criticism of the book/film versus the adulation the film has received over the years. Do you agree or disagree with the critics and why?

Film link: To Kill a Mockingbird Official Trailer #1 – Gregory Peck (1996) HD

Film link: To Kill A Mockingbird

Book: The Art of Watching Film
Read Chapter 13 & 15
Go to Page Overview for Chapter 13 – Adaptations & Chapter 15 – Film & Society