Applied Human Genetics

This assignment is 2 essays of a 1000 words each. The 2 questions are in the document below and will focus heavily on the understanding of applied human genetics. Question 1 focuses on epigenetics while question 2 focuses on gene therapy. There should be 15-20 references per essay, bringing a total of 30-40 references/sources and must be cited within the text.

Marks are awarded as follows:

Introduction (15%). Relevant background information is provided with as little deviation as possible.

Analysis and evidence (55%). A wide array of sources are used and critical evaluation is present with suitable evidence provided.

Coherence (20%). A well planned structure and proper paragraphing is presented. A steady flow of the study is provided.

Communication and Referencing (10%). Proper referencing methods are used (Harvard style). All sources should be cited and referenced.

Question 1 should focus on the mechanisms and understanding pf the disease and also the tests that should be carried out.

Question 2 should focus on the applications of gene therapy in the treatment mentioned as well as the advantages and disadvantages (this is usually liked by the professor marking this essay).