Wells Fargo

Essentials of Marketing and Management

The Fall 2021 Semester Project will engage students in the study of organizational management and marketing as it applies to well-known for-profit or non-profit organization. During the course, much of the study will focus on public and private companies, but it is also important for students to understand that these concepts apply to all organizations, including those in the nonprofit sector.

Project Description

Over the course of the semester, students will work in a self-selected 2-3-person group to conduct a critical analysis of the management and marketing processes or practices of an organization. . Groups may select a company or organization from the listing posted on Blackboard. As groups make their selection from the organization listing, the names of the group members and the name of the organization should be sent to me by email for approval. Organization assignments are made on a first come/first served basis by the date/time stamp of the email. No two groups will be allowed to research the same organization. The syllabus has been revised to require students obtain instructor approval of the organization

Project Requirements

The Semester Project is a 2-part written assignment that requires you to examine a company or organization. Each submission will require a 3-5-page, well -written analysis of the organization you are studying. The page limit does not include the required cover sheet, references, and any necessary figures, tables, or appendices. References and/or other sources of information (e.g., an interview with an organization officer or employee) should be disclosed in the reference section of each paper.

A grading rubric for the semester project is included on Blackboard. Despite our best efforts, none of our work is ever perfect. However, written documents should substantially avoid distracting grammatical and mechanical errors (i.e., spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.).

Part 1 – Management and Organizational Behavior

Part 1 will include a 3-5-page report that covers two areas: (1) organizational overview and (2) organization analysis from six perspectives.

Organizational Introduction and Overview – Present an overview of the organization, including the name, type of organization (e.g., for profit, non profit, government, education, etc.), organizational mission/purpose, headquarters location, size (financially and number of employees), date of founding, public reputation, and recent news (within the last 2 years) or publicity about the organization.

Management Review – Present and evaluate the organization using the following six perspectives:

Leadership – describe the top management structure and if available address the collaborations that support the organization’s operations (e.g., unions, team/group leadership, etc.)
Organizational Structure – address the structure in terms of hierarchy, geography, etc.
Organizational Culture – discuss the organization’s culture based on readings and/or other documented insights (e.g., employee/leadership interviews, organizational publications, website information, etc.)
Innovation – discuss how the culture supports innovation and give examples that have occurred within the last five years. Also discuss how these innovations have advanced the mission or purpose of the organization.
Diversity and Employee Professional Development – discuss how the organization advances diversity and professional development; what evidence supports your review and how does the organization benefit from these processes.
Organizational Ethics – discuss the organization from an ethical perspective

Conclusion – In closing, summarize your overall evaluation of the organization’s management and structure. Identify areas that are exemplary and suggest recommendations for management improvements. Discuss your expectations with respect to the organization’s future continuity and growth.


Overview of Marketing Methods – Provide a 3-5-page report on the type and value of the organization’s marketing methods. If you choose a nonprofit organization you may encounter more unique terminology for marketing efforts. However, the organization must acquire donors and provide appropriate channels for providing their service or delivering their product. It is important that you examine these areas from a marketing perspective.

It is suggested that you approach Part 2 of this assignment through significant use of the organization’s website; other resources may also be useful.

Initial Website Review
How does the initial website promote the organization’s purpose?
How does the organization tell their story (in relation to their overall mission)?
Does the website provide easy access to information?
Does the website provide current information?
How does the website engage with customers, suppliers, (or donors and volunteers)?

Marketing Operations and Marketing Innovation
Identify and discuss the organization’s marketing staff
Describe the organization’s marketing strategy (research; is there evidence of a marketing strategy).
Describe the target market and methods for communication
Discuss how the concepts of B2B and B2C marketing apply to the organization.
Discuss the use of marketing analytics within the organization

For Nonprofit Organizations Address Employment and Volunteer Opportunities – Describe the processes the organization uses to seek employees and volunteers. Identify at least 3 current employment opportunities with the organization.

Conclusion – Summarize your report with a closing that suggest recommendations for marketing improvements and expectations regarding the future opportunities for the organization.

Report Format

Each part of this assignment requires a 3-5-page, single-spaced report (double spaces between paragraphs), with 1-inch margins all around. Please structure your paper in a manner that clearly shows transitions to the next topic (e.g., you may use the outlined sections noted above to separate the major divisions within the report). Readers of your work need to be guided through the paper, so organization (with headings and appropriate paragraph flow) is very important. The report also should include a cover sheet, table of contents, references, and appendices, however these pages are not included in the 3-5 required pages.