Management and organisational change

Part One Particular consideration may be given to:
⦁ Assessing the relationship between attitude, job satisfaction and commitment
⦁ Identifying the key issues influencing motivation
⦁ Explaining and comparing theoretical approaches to motivation (content and process) and
⦁ relating these to the context of employee dissatisfaction/disillusionment
⦁ Analysing the practical applicability and usefulness of motivation theories for managers/leaders
⦁ Evaluating team-working and its impact on addressing individual and to organisational needs

Part Two Particular consideration may be given to:
⦁ Defining and exemplifying organisational change
⦁ Establishing the role leadership plays in directing organisational change
⦁ Identifying leadership traits and/or styles and analysing their impact on organisational change programmes
⦁ Explaining and comparing leadership theories and relating these to the context of organisational change
⦁ Evaluating the practical limitations of leadership theories