4 videos Question


Your initial post will be evaluated using the following criteria. In the initial post the student scholar:
Uses the weekly materials to construct an academic argument that addresses the discussion question in a thorough and logical manner.
Correctly uses key terms and concepts. Thoroughly addresses all components of the prompt. Ideas are clear and on-topic.
Follows grammar conventions. The writing is concise and easy to read.
While normally a 200 word-count would suffice, please make sure to address the prompt. Likely you will need more that that for this discussion.

Your Initial post should make at least two comments/observations on each of the 4 videos (eight comments in total). Some of the things you might comment on would be your view of the accuracy of the video. Is it on target? Is it mistaken? Is it somewhat right, but missing something? What would that something be? You could also provide examples of your observation of the bias as well. ….These are just ideas to get you started.