Ch 12 ~ Families and Relationships: Theories & Stages Start Assignment

2.) Is the family considered a formal organization or a social institution?

3.) What is the definition of kinship?

4.) What is the term given to the family you’ve grown up in?

5.) How is the ‘nuclear’ family defined?

6. ) College educated Americans are more likely to marry those of similar education. Yes or no?

7.) What is the difference between monogamy and polygamy?

8.) What are stereotypes that are often given to a mother and father?

9.) What is the first stage of family life?

10.) What is ‘propinquity’?

11.) How percent of marriages ended in divorce for couples married during the 1970s and 1980s?

12.) Divorce rates are higher for which population?

13.) What percent of children are born outside of marriage to college education women?

14.) For a child born in 2015, what will a middle class family likely spend on that child?

15.) What does it mean when the term ’empty nest’ is used?

16.) Has the U.S. divorce rate increased or declined since the 1990s?

17.) What is mean by the ‘sandwich generation’?

18.) What is a ‘blended’ family?

From chapter 12 in your textbook, answer the following questions and include the question with your answer:

19.) List the stages of abuse (cycle of violence) and state what typically occurs during each stage.

20.) Approximately what percent of older adults have been subjected to elder abuse?

21.) List six forms of elder abuse.

22.) Who does the ‘baby-boom’ generation refer to?

23.) Which theoretical approach views marriage as constructed through rituals and everyday interactions?

24.) Do contemporary sociologists define “family” the same as the U.S. census bureau?

25.) Describe a typical mealtime in your home.